
Showing posts from April, 2021

what are the main parts in respiratory system | human respiratory system notes with explanation

HUMAN RESPIRATORY SYSTEM what are the main parts in respiratory system The major   respiratory organ in human are LUNGS. It is not applied to all the organisms, other animals have different organs for respiration. Some major types of respiratory organs of some animals:- Earth worm - Moist cuticle Most aquatic Arthropods like prawn - Gills Limulus - Book gills Scorpion - Book lungs Insects - Trachea Aquatic molluscs -Ctenidia (gills) Terrestrial moluscs - Pulmonary sacs (gills) Echinoderms - Dermal branchiae,  Tube feet, Respiratory trees etc; Hemichordates - Gills Fishes - Gills Amphibian larvae - Skin, Bucco-pharyngeal lining, Lungs Adult frogs - Lungs Now lets talk about human respiratory system; what are the main parts in respiratory system Human respiratory system consists of major respiratory organ as lungs, but it has a pathway. Our pathway starts from nostrils. Human respiratory system includes 2 tracts. UPPER RESPIRATORY TRACT- Nose, Pharynx, Larynx. LOWER RESPIRATORY ...

Digestive disorders explanation in mutli languages| JAUNDICE VOMITING DIARRHOEA CONSTIPATION INDIGESTION

  DIGESTIVE DISORDERS What are digestive disorders Inflammation of intestinal tract is the most common aliment due to bacterial or viral infections. The infections are also caused by parasites of intestine such as; Tape worm, Round worm, Thread worm, Hook worm, Pin worm and etc; Some digestive disorders are; JAUNDICE VOMITING DIARRHOEA CONSTIPATION INDIGESTION What are digestive disorders 1. JAUNDICE:- The liver is affected (hepatitis). Anorexia (the lack of appetite) is a common symptom. Skin and white part of eye balls turn yellow due to deposition of the bile pigments.  JAUNDICE 2. VOMITING:- It is throwing out of contents of stomach through mouth. This reflex action is controlled by vomiting center in medulla oblongata. A feeling of nausea precedes vomiting. FOOD POISONING OR VOMITING 3. DIARRHOEA:- The abnormal frequency of bowl movements and increased liqidity of faecal discharge is known as diarrhoea. It reduces absorption of food and results in loss of water( dehydra...

Digestive glands and their functions explanation | available in mutli languages pancreas, liver, salivary glands, intestinal glands, gastric glands

  DIGESTIVE GLANDS What are digestive glands and their functions There are 5 digestive glands which are involved in digestion. 1. SALIVARY GLANDS 2. GASTRIC GLANDS 3.INTESTINAL GLANDS 4.LIVER 5.PANCREAS 1. SALIVARY GLANDS:- Three pairs of salivary glands are seen in humans. However, in some mammals like rabbits, 4 pairs of salivary glands are seen, i.e., they also include INFRA-ORBITAL GLANDS also. The 3 pairs of salivary glands in human are; SALIVARY GLANDS OF HUMAN A. PAROTID GLAND:- These are present at below of pinna/inner surface of cheeks. B. SUB-MAXILARY GLAND:- These gland is also called as sub-mandibular gland. These are present at angles of lower jaw. C.SUB-LINGUAL GLANDS:- These are present below the tongue. These glands are situated just outside the buccal cavity. The salivary glands have mucosa and serosa cells. Mucus is secreted by mucosa cells. Salivary amylase is secreted by serosa cells. Saliva have 99.5% of water and 0.5% of solutes (such as ions, IgA antibodies, ...

Human digestive system parts and functions explanation | In multiple languages

     HUMAN  DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Human digestive system parts and functions The DIGESTIVE SYSTEM is involved in the process of digestion. This digestion process takes place in ALIMENTARY CANAL. Human digestive system parts and functions  ALIMENTARY CANAL:- The Alimentary canal starts from mouth and extends through stomach and ends with large intestines.We can study them through each part. I. HISTORY OF GUT WALL:-   This have 4 layers namely; Serosa Muscularies sub-mucosa Mucosa II. MOUTH:- The mouth leads to the oral cavity or buccal cavity.The mouth and it's parts can be studied in detailed; Palate Tooth Tongue Papillae STRUCTURE OF HUMAN MOUTH A. PALATE:- It is used to chew and breath at same time.  It hangs from free border of soft palate called uvula (little grape). B. TOOTH:- Here the human teeth shows 3 main features:-           THECODONT, HETERODONT, DIPHYODONT. Thecodont means their teeth are embedded in the socke...

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